Friday, February 15, 2008

I just thought this was funny, for all of you Harry Potter Fans.

We started talking a bit about YOUTUBE on Thursday...
this video really doesn't pertain to art...
but I like it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thursday Class

For class on Thursday we will be attending a lecture in room 135 Bentley Hall. It starts at 7, so be there on time. Bentley is kind of connected to Lindley Hall. I believe its on President Street. After the lecture, we will be meeting at our normal spot.

We will also be discussing the reading that was emailed to you. It is an easily accessible article about digital manipulation and imaging. Everyone is to prepare one question for the class concerning the reading.

Ok, see everyone on Thursday. Your sound projects are due on Tuesday. If you are having problems with anything or have questions concerning class, please email me.