Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sound Art

I define sound art as a creative process in which the end project is listened to. The process can be very diverse, ranging from field recordings to loose compositions to highly crafted planned compositions.

An artist that fits into this category is Christian Marclay. My favorite of his pieces involves dragging a guitar on a gravel road with a pickup truck. Read more about him here http://www.whitecube.com/artists/marclay/

Here is a you tube interview with him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yqM3dAqTzs

Andrew Patteson is a recent graduate of OU who used sound in his thesis show. Check out his work here http://www.andrewpatteson.net/

Here is an interesting re-mixing project where a guy combined Jay-Z and Weezer. http://www.jay-zeezer.com/

Here is the website where you can download audio files http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/index.php

So, for Thursday, be sure to visit everyone's posts and comment on the artists listed. Also bring one audio sample to class on a flashdrive.


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