Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Stop Motion Atari Fun

Skateboarding Stop Frame

Cool Stop frame where the skateboarder uses a person instead of a board.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Stop Frame Animation

This is kind of like the stop frame animation movies we are doing.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Don Hertzfeldt

Classic Cartoon. Not for the faint of heart.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I just thought this was funny, for all of you Harry Potter Fans.

We started talking a bit about YOUTUBE on Thursday...
this video really doesn't pertain to art...
but I like it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thursday Class

For class on Thursday we will be attending a lecture in room 135 Bentley Hall. It starts at 7, so be there on time. Bentley is kind of connected to Lindley Hall. I believe its on President Street. After the lecture, we will be meeting at our normal spot.

We will also be discussing the reading that was emailed to you. It is an easily accessible article about digital manipulation and imaging. Everyone is to prepare one question for the class concerning the reading.

Ok, see everyone on Thursday. Your sound projects are due on Tuesday. If you are having problems with anything or have questions concerning class, please email me.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

sounddddd art.


i typed in sound art, and found sound artists on wikipedia...i was happy to see yoko ono as one...

theres a general link to just sound art.

Sound art is a diverse group of art practices that concern sound and listening as their focus.

bethany puterbaugh

Sound art artists and VANS!

So I googled sound art artists and got this great website of many artists and some information about them. >> http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/art/sound_bios.php

Iive also had this song "Vans" in my head by The Pack for awhile now and figured they are considered artists who make sound soo thought i'd share my most recent addiction. You can also watch some other videos such as "In My Car" and "I'm Shinin'". >> http://www.thepackonline.com/


Here's a link to an artist in Dayton who builds sound sculptures. Not particularly avant garde, but interesting.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ukuleles and The Little Mermaid

Hey so my English class watched The Good, the Bad and the Ugly this week and our professor showed us a video where a group of Ukuleles play the main song, if you have ever seen the movie it is really funny and if you have not, you may still know the tune you can find it at YouTube on http://youtube.com/results?search_query=the+good+the+bad+and+the+ugly&search_type=&search=Search

I also looked up info for my favorite Disney movie and found the composer for The Little Mermaid's song Part of You're World this is some information on him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Menken

Sound Art

I define sound art as a creative process in which the end project is listened to. The process can be very diverse, ranging from field recordings to loose compositions to highly crafted planned compositions.

An artist that fits into this category is Christian Marclay. My favorite of his pieces involves dragging a guitar on a gravel road with a pickup truck. Read more about him here http://www.whitecube.com/artists/marclay/

Here is a you tube interview with him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yqM3dAqTzs

Andrew Patteson is a recent graduate of OU who used sound in his thesis show. Check out his work here http://www.andrewpatteson.net/

Here is an interesting re-mixing project where a guy combined Jay-Z and Weezer. http://www.jay-zeezer.com/

Here is the website where you can download audio files http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/index.php

So, for Thursday, be sure to visit everyone's posts and comment on the artists listed. Also bring one audio sample to class on a flashdrive.


Ssssound Art!! (Kelly Hoye)

This is a link to a main page on sound art, use of instruments, discology, and different artists.

This is a link to a list of different artist, you can click them and get a mini biography on each!

Another link to a concert poster, gives a little bio different sound artist

More Sound Art

Heres a link to some more sound art!


The Emancipation of Dissonance

"My music is not modern, it is merely badly played."


This website provides information on several sound art artist.

Amber Froelich

Sound Art

Def. of sound art: is a various group of art practices that concern noise and listening as their focus.

Amber Froelich

Martin John Callanan

Here is his home page

And one of his Projects

There are more under the audio section, just click and they will start playing

About him.....

Emily Oberlin- Sound of Art

Stephen Vitello

an interview with Stephen Vitello

example on youtube

Sound Art

Ros Bandt

(play Pillars of Memory at the bottom of the page. it is in real audio)

Betsy Jordan

Friday, February 1, 2008

MC Escher

Since we were talking about MC Escher in class the other day I found this and thought it was pretty cool.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sound Art

Heres a link to some sound art and a biographical note about the artist, Butch Baldassari. If you click on the album and then on the songs, you can listen to some of the songs.


Some you tube art humor, yay

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Brogan Carder

composition numero uno

The first composition for the second assignment.
I used a compilation of five images I took from the OU vs. Kent State basketball game.

Betsy Jordan

More of Lee Walton...

The guy doesn't just move shit around on New York streets and empty buckets on someone's soapy water they were going to use to clean their car...

he also makes equally ridiculous videos and "real art" on paper.

Here's a Lee Walton inspired video...It's titled "Giving the people run around Helsinki"

ALSO...if you're interested in one of our own at Ohio University...
His name is Matt Eich. Some of you might have heard of him. His photography is real. Here's a look into his life....


Monday, January 28, 2008

Brett Favre and a Bear sharing a Taco

Brett Favre likes going to Taco Bell to eat taco's and eats them with his bear friend on the roof.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Future of Air Combat

Yes folks, they are now equipping our nation's air force with BEARS!! Its been a long time coming, what with the extensive training program (bears are grumpy, stubborn, and hungry buggers) and media cover-ups of maulings, but they're finally in the air. Does a bear shit in the woods? Yes they do, but now they also shit in the cockpit of an F-22 while doing -4G dives, complete with heat seeking sidewinder missiles. Do your worst Osama.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Photoshop, etc.

Here's a good reason to learn Photoshop...

Also, to manipulate images (scale, etc.) using the move tool (black arrow), select the "Show Transform Controls" box in the tool bar at the top of the screen.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Latin name: Picassor Seris Cubis: extinct earlier than the other dinosaurs because of it's inability to function with such a random assortment of parts.

Amanda Witherell

Assignment 2

For your second assignment you will be creating 3 different photographs, each consisting of 3 different parts. Combine a foreground, a middle ground and a background from different sources into one image. Make sure each part is on a different layer. Each constructed image should be well composed and well thought out. You should be able to explain why you chose to combine the parts in your images. There can be many reasons for your choices, for example, the parts are related in some manner, or compositionally they complement each other.

Save two versions of each image, one as a tiff with layers, and one flattened as a jpeg.

One completed construction is due on Tuesday, and all 3 are due next Thursday, on a CD. The one for Tuesday may be brought to class on a flash drive.

email me with any questions gm719705@ohio.edu

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Its the end of the World as we know it...and I feel fine

Now not to scare anyone into insomnia or panic attacks, but I just watched this interesting video on the TED website about ten ways the world is going to end. http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/167

Just in case anyone needs a new, FREE addiction, one which I have developed in mere hours, check out this site. http://www.conquerclub.com Risk! Online! Hurray!

Greg Mrotek

stegorex (Emily)



Terasorus Rextor


Amber Froelich

Longneckspikeahoyerus Aka BadAss (Kelly Hoye)

Mylasaurus (Brittany)

stegorex (Emily)


Betsy Jordan

For your viewing enjoyment...


Alyvia Cain



Bethany Puterbaugh

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Ursosaurus has been jokingly labeled "Grumpasaurus" by many scientists who have remarked upon Ursosaurus' diverse eating habits, namely stemming from evidence that Urso had a tendency to eat his dino neighbors.  There is not one meat that Urso has not tasted, and he was quoted as saying that the most lamentable thing about his life was "the fact that I (he) never got my hands on a dodo egg."  Truly sad, indeed!  

Aside from his culinary quirks, Urso was also nicknamed "Grumpy" for his terrifying roar-this is one dino that had no problem expressing his disdain.  It is believed that Urso could be heard from what would now be the span/distance of Colorado!   

Many believe that these two features are derived from the odd genetic meeting of both bear-like and dino genes....thus earning him the name "Ursosaurus."  As shown above, the body of the Urso exhibits the long neck, and body build of an Ultrasaurus yet is covered by light/dark fur that strongly resembles a bear's.  The Urso also had an embrassing tendency to poo when engaged in attack, as observed in a bear fight in the critically acclaimed documentary, "Grizzly Man."  

Ursosaurus also enjoyed the following: classical music, scrapbooking, lazy weekends, and using innocent cavemen/women as impromptu back scratching tools.   

Maria Guzman

The Brontosaurus Rex was recently unearthed in what is present day Arizona, at the bottom of what was a giant lake.  The monster most likely attempted to cross the thousand mile lake in search of food, but came up against strong winds and high seas.  As was the fate of many Brontosaurus Rexs of this time, the swim proved too far, and they succumbed to exhaustion around the middle of the lake.  The B-Rex, as it has affectionately been nicknamed has an interesting physical construction consisting of a long tail, four sturdy legs, and surprisingly two seemingly useless forearms mid way up its neck.  This dinosaur was most likely a carnivore that would occasionally snack on vegetables if it had to.  The B-Rex's long tail and overall extended body would have made it an adept swimmer if pressed, and it looks like 500 miles was its marine range.  On land, the B-Rex covered considerably more ground, with a migratory range of 2000 miles.  The dinosaur spent North American winters in Mexico and summered in what looks like San Francisco.  An aggressive carnivore, the B-Rex had the ability to run, however awkward and unwieldy its physical construction was, reaching speeds of 30 miles an hour!  It should be noted that a wide open, long, flat surface was needed, as it took some time to get 200 tons of dino rollin.  Once in motion, the B-Rex was amazingly agile and dangerous.  Coupled with a powerful tail used for balance and attack, and a large, powerful head containing massive teeth, the B-Rex could chase down prey and eat it on the run.  Its massive weight did announce its coming, much like an earthquake or volcano.  Most of its prey was snuck up upon, the B-Rex was known for swooping in from tree tops, descending on sleeping triceratops with vigor.  The above drawing by noted professionals in the field, helps to illustrate this amazing lost animal.